Regardless of what industry you are in, the need to print may never go away completely. Among the many decisions a modern office has to make is how printing capabilities are approached and offered to employees. The cost of purchasing printers, buying paper and toner, repairing the printer when it goes down, can be significant. But more importantly, how you use the printers can influence how effective your employees are at their job. It is critical to consider where the printers are placed, how many you have, how you make the available, and their size and function.
There are a number of ways a managed print service (MPS) can streamline your processes and boost your employee’s productivity.
The right equipment
How many times have you seen a backup of people waiting for their documents to come off the printer? Do certain people use the printer more than others? A critical component of how a managed print service provider can make sure that a trip to the printer isn’t as much of a disruption which will keep your employees on task. Greenan will do a complete assessment of your workforce, their workflows, their business processes, and take a critical look at their printing needs. Then we will see how those needs are currently being met. Some workgroups may need additional printing capabilities like more printers, the ability to print remotely from personal devices, devices that offer a higher document output, personal desk printers, workstations that can scan and store documents, or printers with additional finishing options such as stapling, hole-punching, and folding capabilities.
In the right places
Not only is equipment choice important, but the location of your printers are as well. Where your print technology is placed is based on how your employees use them as well as the layout of your office and how many printers you have per employee. Workgroups that are furthest from the printers shouldn’t be ones that have the most pressing need to print. Printers shouldn’t be hidden or difficult to access. Greenan will take these considerations into account when assessing your current and future printing environment.
At the right price
The main benefit to managed print services is cost. Not only will Greenan help you select the right equipment for your workspace, but we will make sure cost is at the forefront of every decision. Certain employees may not need an elaborate workspace when a simple desktop printer will do while others have the need to a high volume of high quality color prints. An effective managed print strategy will take both of these considerations into account.
Call Greenan today!
At Greenan, we offer professional managed print services which are an integrated method of managing printing devices to deliver our clients the best printing solutions as efficiently and effectively, as possible. We are proud to offer one of the most comprehensive MPS programs in the greater New York area. Your satisfaction and comfort level with your printing services is our priority, and we strive to provide our customers with the best-managed print solution. Read more about our managed print services here.